Miracle in Hooghly
Miracle in Hooghly
ALMOST every industry that one can think of, which generates hazardous waste, is situated on the banks of the Hooghly: 96 factories, which include a pulp and paper mill; a pesticide plant; a distillery; yeast, rayon and cotton manufacturing units; a thermal power plant.
But, a BOBP study shows the fish catch in the Hooghly has nevertheless increased more than three times since 1960.
BOBP's studies of primary production indicate the increase in fish production is not the outcome of intensified fishing and the potential exists to raise the fish catch seven-fold. "In Hooghly," the study notes, "almost 200 kilograms of fish is produced per hectare per year; of this only 30 kg is harvested."
"Surprisingly enough," says S Holmgren, BOBP environment advisor, who is based in Madras, "there was no significant change in the chemical parameters in the Hooghly estuary, during the two decades." This, he explained, is because of the flushing of pollutants into the sea by tides.