Money for nothing
Money for nothing
Rs 1,950 crore for interceptors is in addition to Rs 387 crore under the Yamuna Action Plan II and Rs 1,500 crore spent on Yamuna cleaning in Delhi. But interceptors have failed in Agra, Varanasi and other places
They will not work in Delhi as well because even if all the city's sewage (3,600 mld) is intercepted and treated the river would require 24,000 of freshwater for diluting it to make it fit for bathing, at a conservative estimate
Sewage generated in Delhi is increasing. Water supply management is no solution. More freshwater used means more sewage and more money for treatment. Manage demand
Augment and optimize current STPs. Treatment at source reduces pumping costs. At places drains can be developed into treatment units. Treat residual wastes at the mouth of the river
Re-use effluents and ensure treated effluent is not mixed with untreated effluent before it flows to the river. Have policies to promote safe re-use so that the river has freshwater