
STRAWBERRY PACT: Mumbai-based Gemini Agritech Ltd and Israel-based Plastro Gvat have entered into a technical arrangement for the supply of strawberry cultivation technology and support on a turnkey basis. The company has also made a marketing arrangement with Holland's Flodac B V for a period of five years for its floriculture project. The agreement came into force when the company decided to set up a 100 per cent export oriented unit in horticulture and floriculture at an estimated cost of Rs 8.75 crore.

CARING FOR WASTE: Test runs of garbage incinerator developed by Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, that converts leftover ash into slag, will begin this month. The incinerator is designed to process a relatively small four metric tonnes a day. The system is expected to be more efficient in producing beat for generating electricity. The company has invested almost US $9.2 million in a Yokohama test facility and hopes to commercialise the system in 1998. The company is eager to establish a stronger presence in environmental technology, particularly in waste disposal.

MODERN MODEL TOWN: Japan-based Ebara Corporation plans to construct a 'model town' to recycle all garbage as reusable materials, fertilisers or energy (through incinerators) in Fujisawa by 2000 AD. Company officials said that Fujisawa city will assist the project which is estimated to cost US $92.6 million. The model town will feature farms, residences and factories. The residual heat of the incinerators will be used by firms for air conditioning and heating. The firm also plans to harness solar energy and install a water saving system. The local governments which are facing garbage-processing problems are expected to take interest in the project.

DEVELOPING PORTS: An associate of the UAE-based Al Fajr group, the Ocean Dredging Private Ltd, a dredging, mining and marine transportation company, plans to invest Rs 200 crore in Kerala. Obeid Humaid Ali al Mazroie, chairperson of the Fajr group, who was here to hold discussions on his group's investment plans with the Kerala government and various department heads, said that his company would be interested in infrastructure development at ports and in development of inland waterways. The company will also bid for the upcoming harbour construction projects in India.

GREEN SOLES: A first of its kind set-up for manufacturing eco-friendly rubber soles has been established by Liberty Shoes in Karnal. These soles were hitherto imported by the Indian footwear industry. Made out of steren butadene rubber, these biodegradable and recyclable indigenous soles cost Rs 65 per pair as compared to the Rs 150 per pair for the imported ones. Adish Gupta, managing director of the company said 'that no company in India manufactures rubber soles with this technology. He said that the Rs 1.5 crore Taiwan assisted facility produces 7,000 pairs of soles per day.

AID TO CHANGE: The World Bank announced the approval of a US $63 million credit to assist Coal India in dealing effectively with environmental issues around its mines. Coal India will shell out an additional US $21 million which will take the total project cost to US $84 million. The project aims to help Coal India change its approach in dealing with the concerns of the people living in the areas around their mines.