Polluters haven
Polluters haven
the recent assessment of Orissa's environmental pollution by the Comptroller and Auditor General (cag) of India contains an underlying message: though it is counted among the least industrialised states, yet Orissa ranks high in terms of industrial pollution.
The cag has rebuked the state government and pollution control board (pcb) for their sloppy approach to tackling industrial pollution and not holding urban governance bodies accountable for their failure to dispose of solid wastes. The report states: "The weak enforcement of relevant laws in air pollution and waste management has posed a serious threat to the environment of the state.'
However, if the state government's reaction is an indicator it appears to be following an ostrich policy. K Judisekhar, Orissa's director of environment, says, "If we get carried away by this report, we will remain an industrially neglected state.' Worse still, he feels that "since Orissa does not figure in the list of the 10 most industrially developed states of India, it cannot have a propensity for industrial pollution'.
This simplistic surmise is proved wrong by the comprehensive cag report, which is backed by incontrovertible documentary evidence. There is specific mention among the damning findings of 12 highly polluting industries that are still continuing operations in violation of the prescribed standards pronounced in the Union government's notification. This dubious list includes three major industrial units of the state