Reviewing website

Did you know that the annual amount of waste generated from end-of-life electrical and electronic products is estimated to be a few million tonnes? And many predict that this will double in the coming decades?

The data is alarming. At this site under review you can find much more alarming stuff on e-waste. Most of it is, in fact, quite useful. You can explore statistical data showing global comparisons and country specific factsheets on quantities of e-waste, per capita e-waste generation, composition of different appliances in the waste pile.

The guide also has links to local and international initiatives to improve e-waste management situation. There are case studies from India, Switzerland, South Africa, Chile and Columbia. But there aren't any case studies from the US. Or even from other developed countries.

There are lively forums with participants from many corners of the world. There is also an interesting gallery. But even here the developed world has very little presence.

Make no mistake: the focus on the world's dump yards makes for alarming reading and very good visuals. We are told that the "recycling processes and disposal of these components, while being a lucrative business proposition for some, poses serious health risks and environment dangers.' But then what about the origins of this waste?