Final order on POSCO dated 31st January, 2011
Final order on POSCO dated 31st January, 2011

MoEF has granted conditional environmental clearance to POSCO for its steel-cum-captive-power plant & a captive minor port at Orissa and has demanded an assurance from the state government that forest rights are not being violated.
The Government of Orissa and Pohang Steel Company (POSCO) signed a MoU on June 22, 2005 for setting up an integrated steel plant with the total capacity of 12 million tones per annum (with 4 million tones in the first phase) at Paradip in Jagatsingpur district. The integrated steel plant includes a captive power plant and a captive minor port. The entire project complex requires about 1621 hectares of land of which about 1253 hectares is forest land. This is the final order on POSCO dated 31st January, 2011.
See also:
Report: Majority report of the expert committee on POSCO proposal.
Report: Meena Gupta committee report.
Report: Rapid EIA for 4 MTPY integrated steel project, Paradip, Orissa.
Analysis: Analysis of EIA of minor port of POSCO, Orissa.
Report: Iron and steal.
Document: Stop work order in POSCO.
Report: MoEF/MoTA committee on visit to Jagatsinghpur.
In-Court: Orissa High Court on grant of prospecting licence to POSCO