X ceptional cure

No MORE blood need be spilt by patients "Cldergoing surgery for brain tumours arterio-venous malformations. "r,draprastha Apollo hospital, New Mqlpelhi, %ill shortly introduce the x-knife Tn India, only the third such in the world.

It s based on the stereotactic radio system which involves accurate crery of x-rays to a lesion or any a] tissue growth, without dam V=e healthy tissues around it. The awrerv costing nearly Rs 1.25 lakhs, is leted in one session, enabling the to spend minimum time in the ul according to A N Jha, a neuro swrgeon at Apollo. Moreover, the e of infection or risk to life is monmal. However, certain side effects be ruled out altogether.

The x-knife is ideal for certain types at ramours which cannot be easily trea ad bv conventional methods. The wartorn. is said to be 85 to 95 per cent amcicmfui where the tumours are com %0@_ removed and there is no more cwrrous growth. Needless to say, the Wwzru rate depends heavily on early deftcrion of the tumour.