Declaring area around Bandipur National Park as eco-sensitive zone
Declaring area around Bandipur National Park as eco-sensitive zone
The Bandipur National Park was fonned by including most M the torest areas of the then Venugopala Wildlife Park and its Sanctum Sanctorum at Bandipur in the year 1974. In the year 2001, after going through the due process of law, the State Government vide its Notification No. FEE 211 FWL 98 Dated 27-06-2001 notified an area of 870.36 Sq.Km. as the National Park under the provisions ofthe sub-section (4) of section 35 of the Wild life (Protection) Act, 1972. This is one of the Nine Protected Areas brought under Project Tiger during 1973. Presently, a total area of 912.04 Sq.Km. including adjoining forest areas which are part of the buffer zone notified vide 'No.FEE 136 FWL, 2008, dated 31-08-2010 is under Bandipur Tiger Reserve and declared as Core/Critical Tiger habitat as per 'section 38 V of the Wild life (Protection) Act, 1972.