Question raised in Lok Sabha on Solid Waste Management, 15/03/2016

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Solid Waste Management, 15/03/2016. Government of India has launched Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) on 2nd October, 2014 with the target to make the country clean by 2nd October, 2019 by providing financial central assistance to the States. The Mission covers all 4041 statutory towns / cities as per 2011 census. One of the admissible components under SBM is Municipal Solid Waste Management with maximum of 20% viability gap funding (VGF)/grant to the States. The States have to finance the additional cost either through State plan or inviting substantial investment from private sector for implementation of solid waste management. The States may decide the share of urban local bodies depending upon their financial capacity. The details of fund allocated to States during Mission Period (2014-19) and fund released during last two years is enclosed at Annexure-I.
