Question raised in Lok Sabha on Hydro Power Plants, 11/08/2016
Data and Statistics
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Hydro Power Plants, 11/08/2016
Question raised in Lok Sabha Hydro Power Plants, 11/08/2016. Nine Hydro Electric Projects, with a total capacity of 2357 MW, were commissioned during the last two years, and the current year (till 31.07.2016) in various states of the country. Out of these 9 projects (2357 MW), three projects were partially commissioned during this period and the details thereof are given at Annex-I. Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) of 15 Hydro Electric schemes with a total Installed Capacity of 8,457 MW have been received by various appraising Groups in CEA/CWC/GSI/CSMRS as on 30.6.2016 for examination. The details of these projects and action taken so far, in this regard, are given at Annex-II.