Question raised in Lok Sabha on Solid Waste Management, 16/03/2018

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Solid Waste Management, 16/03/2018. Central Pollution Control Board has assessed the quantity of sewage generation and treatment capacity for Urban Population of India for the year 2015. It is estimated that the sewage generation is approximately 61948 MLD and sewage treatment capacity developed so far is 23277 MLD. The State/UT wise detail is enclosed as Annexure I. The total sewage generation for the state of Rajasthan is 2736 MLD against the treatment capacity of 865.92 MLD. As per the available information from the 23 states/UTs, the quantity of solid waste generated is approximately 97170.90 tons per day, while approximately 19306.5 tons of solid waste is being treated per day in these states. State/UT wise solid waste generation and treatment data is annexed as Annexure II.
