Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding E-waste on Ramganga banks, Uttar Pradesh, 16/10/2018

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mahendra Pandey Vs Union of India & Others dated 16/10/2018 regarding E-waste on Ramganga banks, Uttar Pradesh, 16/10/2018. In the meeting chaired by the Chief Secretary which was attended by the other officers, it was decided that removal of waste on the banks of River Ramganga should be taken immediately and the waste may be temporarily stored in a safe and scientific manner. It was decided that Treatment Storage Disposal Facility (TSDF) be set up in District Amroha.
The work of removal of the hazardous waste from the bank of River Ramganga has commenced from 08.10.2018. The Action Plan with timelines is in two stages. Stage-I provides for temporary storage and Stage-II provides for permanent treatment and disposal in TSDF. The Disposal is to be completed in 105 days of receipt of final EIA. The EIA studies are to be completed by 31.12.2018.