Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding the running of Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, 16/08/2022
Order of the Supreme Court of India regarding the running of Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, 16/08/2022
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Kanhaiya Kumar Vs Central Zoo Authority & Others dated 16/08/2022.
The petitioner prays that in the interest of the public and the wildlife and animals, Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (respondent 2) should be banned from acquiring animals from any person, government department or zoo in India and abroad. Further, a detailed inquiry be directed to be conducted by forming SIT into the management of Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre. Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre has been given permission by the Central Zoo Authority to import several endangered, vulnerable and threatened animals from abroad and also domestically.
The petitioner is assailing the permission granted to Greens Zoological Rescue to establish a Zoo in District Jamnagar, in Gujarat.
Respondent 2 in its counter affidavit has stated that it has been operating as a non-profit organisation with the principal objective of welfare of animals. The respondent 2 has further stated that even if any revenue is generated from the Zoological Park, the same shall be, after payment of taxes, used only towards rescue, relief and rehabilitation operations.
The SC noted that respondent 2 is a recognised zoo as well as a recognized rescue centre and the court cannot find any legal infirmity in grant of recognition to the zoo and the rescue centre. The SC said that the permission granted to respondent 2 and the consequential activities cannot be said to be illegal or unauthorised and dismissed the petition.