Judgment of the Supreme Court regarding the effective functioning of environmental regulatory bodies and authorities, 31/01/2024

Judgment of the Supreme Court in the matter of In Re: T N Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs Union of India & Others dated 31/01/2024.

The judgment is in the context of institutionalisation and reconstitution of the Central Empowered Committee. "The role of the constitutional courts is therefore to monitor the proper institutionalisation of environmental regulatory bodies and authorities", said the SC.

The apex court said that the bodies, authorities, regulators and executive offices entrusted with environmental duties must function with institutional features. The SC directed that the composition, qualifications, tenure, method of appointment and removal of the members of these authorities must be clearly laid down. Further the appointments must be regularly made to ensure continuity and these bodies must be staffed with persons who have the requisite knowledge, technical expertise, and specialisation to ensure their efficient functioning. The authorities and bodies must receive adequate funding and their finances must be certain and clear. The authorities and bodies must notify norms for public hearing, the process of decision making, prescription of right to appeal, and timelines.

These were some of the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court, January 31, 2024 for the effective functioning of environmental regulatory bodies and authorities.