Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding dumping of muck generated during construction of Jowai Bypass, Meghalaya, 25/02/2025

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Khroo L Pariat Vs State of Meghalaya & Others dated 25/02/2025.

The applicant through a letter petition complained about dumping of muck generated during construction of road thereby causing damage to river ecology affecting aquatic life, flora and fauna.

The NGT, November 21, 2024 had directed the constitution of a joint committee with direction to file a report.

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) filed the report of the joint committee, February 10, 2025. The committee observed that the whole stretch of the Jowai Bypass, earth cuttings, including soil and stones, was being dumped down the valley. The Joint Committee noticed that there is no authorized dump site/collection center/storage/ processing sites for construction and demolition waste as required under the C&D Waste Management Rules, 2016 in the Jowai town.

During the site visit, it was observed that inventory or records of the C&D waste generated from the project were not maintained. Additionally, waste management plan and the necessary approvals from the local authority as required under the C&D Waste Management Rules, 2016 were not provided. No significant impact of construction and demolition waste was observed on the water quality of the Myntdu River. However, the dumping of C&D waste was found to create siltation.

Further, the Joint Committee had also noticed that municipal solid waste (MSW) from nearby areas of Jowai Town is being dumped recklessly into the valley at Jowai-Dawki road. This improper disposal highlights deficiencies in the collection, storage, and transportation of MSW by the local municipal authorities. The Joint Committee also observed the absence of a solid waste processing facility within the town.

The NGT, February 25, 2025 keeping in view the averments made in the application and observations made by the joint committee, directed the state of Meghalaya through Chief Secretary to file its response. Other concerned authorities were also directed to file their response which included the District Magistrate, Jowai and Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).