Taking a united stand
Taking a united stand
Acknowledge that forests are an inalienable national resource and countries will choose uses of their forest resources according to national priorities and strategies; assure access to technology through international cooperation to strengthen national capability; increase financial assistance provided by developed countries and international organisations, including a restructured Global Environment Facility and sustaining investment in the forestry sector through a transparent mechanism; facilitate open and free international trade in forest products by removing unilateral discriminatory measures that impede market access; recognise that a supportive and open international economic and trade system would lead to economic growth and sustainable development and use of forest resources; recognise that underlying pressures on biological diversity are directly linked to current patterns of world consumption; recognise that national forestry action plans should be prepared to develop national responses; augment on-going efforts to increase the area and productivity of forests; recognise the importance of involving people at the local level in the sustainable development of forests.