A surgeon in New Jersey has embedded under his skin tiny computer chips that can automatically transmit personal information to a scanner, a technology that his employer hopes will someday be widely

A final regulation issued by the Environmental Protection Agency will impose stringent new pollution regulations on some of the country's dirtiest engines, the first time the snowmobiles and

While recent climate change studies have focused on the risks of a gradual rise in the Earth's temperature, a new National Academy of Sciences report has concluded that greenhouse gases and other

Antarctica appears to be melting and contributing to the slow rise in the oceans, scientists reported. Using radar data from the European Remote Sensing Satellite two scientists said they had found

Wang Xiao had been working in the sneaker factory for only a few months when she noticed a strange tingling in her feet. Over time, the sensation spread to her ankles, then her shins. Her fingertips

Despite entreaties from President George W Bush to ban any type of human cloning either for reproduction or for research, the Senate has reduced to take up a republican measure to impose a six month

Any step, however small, toward the scary goal of cloning human beings touches off an understandable frenzy. The news of progress toward "therapeutic cloning"-the cloning of human cells might aid

American cars and light trucks produce a fifth of all carbon dioxide in the country associated with problems of global warming, and those emissions have begun to surge after decades of steady

Astronomers for the first time have directly detected an atmosphere around a planet outside our solar system, employing techniques that will be used to search for Earth-like worlds and signs of life.

The announcement by a small biotechnology company that it has successfully created a human embryo with cloning techniques may have done as much to hinder as to help this new science. The company's
