When Britain's new freedom of information law took effect on Jan. 1, journalists and activists from groups like Oxfam and Friends of the Earth submitted a question they had long wanted to ask: Who

U.S. drug regulators have issued sweeping warning that many popular painkillers could hurt the heart, stomach and skin, and they have persuaded Pfizer to withdraw its pain pill Bextra, once a

This is a story of a different kind of flower, which also comes in many colors but lacks the beauty of the many varieties discovered in nature by Sapieha. All over Nairobi, and all over Africa, are

Chickens in North Korea are suffering from a rare outbreak of H7 avain influenza, and not the more lethal H5N1 avian influenza virus that has infected poultry across Southeast Asia, a United Nations

Sex kills all the time, particularly here in Africa. But prudishness can be just as lethal. President George W. Bush is focusing his program against AIDS in Africa on sexual abstinence and marital

If the endangered northern white rhinos are driven to extinction, which many experts predict, it will be politics, not just poachers, that finishes them off. With fewer than a dozen still alive in

Opening a new front in the battle against cancer, federal officials are planning to compile a complete catalog of the genetic abnormalities that characterize it. The proposed Human Cancer Genome

The World Health Organization released its global tuberculosis figures, World Tuberculosis Day, and much was made of the news that incidence rates are declining or stable in five out of six of the

The Republican leadership of the House of Representatives has told party moderates that the House will vote this year on a proposal to modify President George W. Bush's stem cell research policy,

In an effort to stimulate fresh thinking, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has announced that it will offer cash prizes for innovative technology that can be applied to space
