In April 2001, researchers from the New York Medical College and the National Institutes of Health announced electrifying news for heart surgeons and their patients : Stem cells from bone marrow,

The Bush administration this week will propose the first federal controls on coal-fired power plant emissions on mercury. The new rule will abandon the Environmental Protection Agency's original

The prime minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra, has said that his new cabinet faces a

A commission on Africa led by Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain has called on wealthy countries to double aid to Africa and simultaneously has challenged African nations to root out pervasive

When American environmentalists are writing tracts like "The Death of Environmentalism," you know their movement is in deep trouble. That essay by two young environmentalists has been whirling around

A new Clean Air Interstate Rule issued in Washington is expected to cut drastically the smog and soot over most of the Northeast United States. The rule sets pollution caps for Midwest and East

More than half a billion people, nearly double previous estimates, were affected by the deadliest form of malaria in 2002, according to a new estimate by scientists. Most of the cases were in

We take the range of personalities among individuals in our species for granted, yet it seems surprising to think of similar diversity in other species. But scientists are starting to suggest that if

More than half a billion people, nearly double previous estimates, were affected by the deadliest form of malaria in 2002, according to a new estimate by scientists. Most of the cases were in

We take the range of personalities among individuals in our species for granted, yet it seems surprising to think of similar diversity in other species. But scientists are starting to suggest that if
