Liberia has some of the largest unexploited gold and diamond deposits in the world, but until fighting subsided in 2003 little mining took place in officially protected forests. Here in Sapo

Afghan farmers noticed a white powder on their crops, they cut grass and clover for their animals and picked spinach to eat anyway. Within hours the animals were severely ill, people said, and the

Amid the choking red dust of this former U.S. Special Forces camp in Vietnam's Central Highlands, migrants from the overpopulated north move slowly with their portable mine sweepers, searching for

The drug maker Sankyo said that it would buy its smaller rival Daiichi Pharmaceutical in a $7.7 billion deal that represents a major steptoward the long-anticipated consolidation of the world's

Recently, an alliance dedicated to vaccines for children in poor countries has received two staggering pledges: $750 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and $1.8 billion from Britain.

Australian scientists claimed a world first Thursday after cloning a cow using a new technique. Brandy, a Holstein-Fresian czlf, was born in December after being created by researchers from

Responding to wide spread criticism of the U.S. government's handling of drug safety problems, the Food and Drug Administration is creating a board to advise it on drug complications and to warn

Rescuers searching for miners trapped by a coal mine explosion in northeast China found six more bodies early, bringing the death toll in the country's worst reported mining disaster in decades to

After almost eight years of negotiation and delay, the Kyoto Protocol goes into effect. A lengthening list of scientists studies conducted by the U.S. government has confirmed that the proliferation

Scientists met in Britain recently to discuss what level of greenhouse gas concentrations constitutes
