Another melancholy gathering of climate scientists presented evidence this month that the Antarctic ice shelf is melting

Hydrogenated oil, now considered the worst fat in the American diet. An artificial fat once embraced as a cheap and seemingly healthful alternative to saturated fats like butter or tropical oils,

After an announcement that said a rare strain of the AIDS virus had been found in a New York City man, scientists say that much work needs to be done to assess just how dangerous the virus is. But

Policy makers galvanized by the recent proposals from the UN and others calling for a fast and substantial reduction in global poverty should consider one region that has already undergone a

More than 400 people are missing in a remote area of southwestern Pakistan after heavy rains caused a large dam to burst, sweeping villagers into the Arabian Sea, a provincial official said Friday.

Each case of paralysis implies that many more virus carriers are nearby. Most victims suffer symptoms no more serious than those of flu, but even people with no symptoms can pass the virus. In 1988,

The open-source movement, which has encouraged legions of programmers around the world to improve continually upon software like the Linux operating system, may be spreading to biotechnology.

With no law on the books to criminalize the sale, possession or manufacture of methamiphetamine on the Navajo reservation, the largest reservation in the United States, officials are fearing an

A federal appeals court delivered a major victory to the nation's leading tobacco companies, ruling that the government cannot force them to turn over $280 billion in profits if a trial court finds

Japan confirmed its first case of the human variant of mad cow disease, a fatal brain disease thought to be contracted by eating infected beef. The Health Ministry said that a man had died last
