The once glorious Casa da Mosto is now little more than a decaying waterlogged shell of a building, the rising and increasingly salty water of Venice lapping at the door and eating away at its walls.

One of the United Nations' top goals to cut in half the proportion of people living in extreme poverty in 2015 as compared with 1990. The World Bank is responsible for keeping track. Accurately

The builder of the Three Gorges project is refusing to obey a Chinese government edict to halt construction of the huge Xiluodu Dam, state press reports said. The builder of the dam, part of the

Even as expert advisers to the Food and Drug Administration prepare to take a closer look at a potentially risky class of painkillers, the COX-2 inhibitors, disturbing new evidence has emerged that

In a sharp change from current policy, an influential medical advisory group is recommending that all men ages 65 to 75 who have ever smoked have an ultrasound screening test to see if they are

The Chinese government has issued emergency orders in seeking to contain an outbreak of meningitis that has killed 16 people and infected an additional 258 the state news media reported.

Under the first treaty addressing global warming, 193 countries, including the United States, pledged to avoid

As people in Aceh Province try to rebuild their lives, officials are assessing the environmental damage to the coast from the tsunami on Dec.26. The tsunami, unleashed by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake

Nissan Motor's chief executive, Carlos Ghosn, has said that gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles are

AIDS among infants, which only a decade ago took the lives of hundreds of babies a year and left doctors in despair, may be on the verge of being eliminated in the United States, public health
