Add a 10th planet to the solar system - or possibly subtract one. Astronomers announced that they had found a lump of rock and ice that is larger than Pluto and the farthest known object in the solar

The first batch of vaccine for treating a mysterious pig-borne disease that has killed at least 34 people in China was flown Sunday to the southwestern province of Sichuan, state media said. About

The images of victims of a food crisis in the vast, landlocked west African country of Niger, captured by a BBC television correspondent and shown around the world, look like something the world has

Once again, images of emaciated African children are showing up on television screens. The recurring drought in the Sahel, that parched strip across Africa that separates the Sahara from the rain

Since tube wells became popular as a source of drinking water in Bangladesh in the 1970s, tens of millions of people have been slowly poisoned by arsenic. Exposure to arsenic from the contaminated

The U.S. space program fared remarkably well in the huge appropriations bill just approved by Congress. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration got a hefty $16.2 billion budget for fiscal

A global pandemic of avian influenza is

Michael Leavitt, who runs the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, declared recently that American voters on election Day has delivered a clear mandate for Presidential policies, a

Southeast Asian and Chinese officials put the final touches on agreements for next week's regional summit meeting to create a free trade area covering nearly two billion people by 2010. The

The world's wild tiger population has plummeted by 95 percent from the start of the 20th century to as few as 5000 now and is further threatened by the lucrative trade in their skins, officials said
