Starting next year, Starbucks will add something new to its cups of coffee: recycled paper. Hoping to win over customers concerned about environmental issues, Starbucks, the coffee company based in

Indonesia's natural resources are among the most bountiful in the world. They are also among the most abused. Desperate for foreign investment and plagued by corruption and weak regulation,

International pressure on China to stop its counterfeiters is producing an unexpected twist. Rather than just copying another company's product, many Chinese businesses are filing patents and other

A Chinese herbal drug that is strikingly effective against malaria s in critically short supply worldwide because of rising demand, public health officials and pharmaceutical executives say. As a

Spain plans to ban smoking in most workplaces by 2006, but the measure will be optional in many bars and restaurants, the Health Ministry said. Elena Salgado, Spain's health minister, said there

Seem from afar, it looked like much of the surrounding landscape, even to the scientists who know these Tibetan wilds intimately: the looming, soot-black shoulder of a mountain. Close up though, when

A government panel has presented a bitterly fought-over report showing that sediment in the equatorial bay where the world's biggest gold producer, Newmount Mining, deposited mien waste is polluted

The dirt and gravel road may look like a timeless feature of the Great Rift Valley. But it is part of a huge public road- building project that is slowly hauling one of the poorest, hungriest nations

At a time when experts are wringing their hands over a huge shortage of influenza vaccines and blaming low profit margins and high risk that drive companies from the market, it is a pleasure to note

President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill confirming Russia's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, the Kremlin said, giving the final stamp of approval needed for that global climate pact to come
