Even as smoking rates are declining among European males, they are rising dramatically among young women in many parts of Europe and the world, portending an epidemic of cancers and heart disease in

When Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan known for her work in human rights and environmental conservation, including efforts to fight deforestation, won the Nobel Committee has evidently expanded its notion

A possible new case of mad cow disease has been found in the United States, according to the Agriculture Department. The agency said that the brain of a cow tested positive three times a rapid test

As virulent as the smallpox virus is, it could be worse if a rogue scientist created a strain that was invulnerable to a vaccine. That nightmare stands behind the controversial recommendation by a

It is a typical night in the maternity ward of this city's second biggest hospital, and the loneliest place is the nursery. Empty baby beds are lined up against a wall like rental cars in an airport

More than 300 bird species in Asia are threatened with extinction due to logging, farming and development, conservationists said at an international meeting. The bird specialists were speaking in

The U.S. government's effort to prove that tobacco companies used fraud and deception for decades to keep Americans smoking has moved into a federal appeals court, where the two sides argued over a

The United States and 13 other countries have signed an agreement to explore ways to capture methane gas emissions. The United States is underwriting the cost of the methane agreement, $53 million

Africa leaders on Wednesday lobbied th Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for more money to solve a cash crunch facing its work, seen as vital for the continent's health, officials

The Bush administraton says that because too little money is coming into the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and too little is being disbursed and spent, the three-year-old
