This is the summary of State of Forest Report released today. The eleventh edition in a biennial series published by the Forest Survey of India estimates that India's forest and tree cover in 2007 is 78.37 million ha (23.84% of India's geographical area). This is an increase over the previous assessment.

SFR 2003 comprises of seven chapters and a number of annexures. The introductory chapter gives historical information, highlights important features of the report, describes various concepts and explains several important terms used in this report. The chapter on forest cover describes methodology and results of forest cover assessment.

This report is the seventh assessment of the forest cover of the country. It provides analytical information on forest plantations, protected area, joint forest management, forest cover in mining areas of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa, shifting cultivation in the North Eastern region. It also provides an overview of the forest resources in India, with special emphasis on forest cover.

The state of forest report 1995 is the fifth assessment of the forest cover of the country pertaining to the period 1991-93. It is for the first time that the data obtained from the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite has been used by the Forest Survey of India for this assessment.

The state of forest report 1991 is the third assessment of the forest cover of the country based on visual interpretation of landsat imagery pertaining to the period 1987-89. The new feature of this report is the districtwise estimation of forest cover of the country.

This report presents forest cover situation in the country based on the visual interpretation of landsat imagery pertaining to the period 1985-87.
