India and Japan on Friday differed on their approach to multi-lateral investment agreement under the WTO while agreeing to keep out social issues like labour standards from its

Efforts to end poverty around the world have largely failed because they have relief on "hitand-miss" door projects that often neglect the key role local goverments must play, a United Nations report

The World Bank has agreed, in principle, to grant Karnataka loans worth Rs 12,000 crore for the development of infrastructure, rural irrigation, agriculture, watershed management, education, urban

The World Bank has announced $2 billion in loan to India this year and hoped to step it up to $3 billion nexty year. The announcement was made by the Bank's country director for India Edwin Lim at

report: If Chicago were its own county, it would have ranked just above Taiwan and just below Argentina in terms of gross domestic product last year. The Washington, D.C., area's economic output

The United Nations (UN) System has underlined the need for effective devolution of responsibilities to Panchayati Raj institutions with a focus on community control of delivery mechanisms to ensure

The World Bank today presented its report "India: Policies to Reduce Povertry and Accelerate Sustainable Development" at the two-day meeting of the India Development Forum 2000 which opened at the

Now village-level human development reports (HDRs) will be prepared in Madhya Pradesh with a view to create movement at grassroots. This exercise, the sources said, would create information base for

Madhya Pradesh has developed a special computer software to help process and analyse information collected during the recent Gram Sampark Abhiyan launched by it.Directives have been issued to keep

Representatives of indigenous peoples faulted the World Bank for failing to protect local populations in its big development projects and urged it to pay closer attention to their concerns. They
