The phenomenon of globalisation would dominate the beginning of the new millennium an donations need to address it with pragmatic and honest populous policies to attain social, political and economic

The Lieutenant-Governor, Mr Vijay Kapoor, has suggested rural zone adjoining the urban area be included in the new master plan. The "deliberate" distinction between urban and rural areas in the

Considerable progress has been made in promoting gender equity in rural communities, but gender stereotypes and imbalance in the division of labour and responsibilities within the household and the

Finance Minister Yaswant Sinha got the Lok Sabha approval for his Finance Bill 2000-2001 without yielding ground on the food and fertiliser subsidy cut demanded. The roll back government proved a

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to advance a loan of Rs 1,055 crore to the Rajasthan government for its Rs 1,530 crore urban infrastructure development project. For this project, while

Dr. Death? : The anti-globaization movement serves up plenty of hot rhetoric but also some disturbing truths. Street protestors have it exactly right, for example, when they argue that the economic

Fifty years of poverty alleviation programmes have failed, the number of poor people who constitute one-third of the country's population is "growing" and the disparity between the rich and poor has

The World Bank appears unsure of achieving its goal of cutting global poverty by half in 15 years, saying the target can still be reached if economic growth resumes and inequality does not

The United Nations Industrial development Organisation (UNIDO) and the Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation (RIICO) have decided to work together in three identified

The Planning Commission member, Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia, today called for designing a vigorous poverty allevation strategy as a supplement to the growth strategy. Making a presentation on the
