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An energy-parched United States would like to drop a large straw into the deep fuel reserves in Northern Canada, President George W. Bush said Thursday. The lights are going out across California in

The Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources has proposed to the Centre that the Energy Act should be amended to provide for 10 per cent of energy to be produced by the Government and private

When oil companies announced the discovery of a new reserve in the south of war torn Sudan, Wall Street analysts took notice. So did the villagers who lived nearby. Forces of the Sudanese government,

With no power stations under construction, or even on the drawing board, and with demand outstripping supply, Indonesia is running out of power and the private money to help halt the slide.

The Rajasthan Governor, Justice Mr. Anshuman Singh, today said the positive outcome of power sector reforms launched in the State would be visible in a couple of years and hoped that the proposed

Enron, the US-based multinational energy and communications major and the promoter of the naphtha-based Dabhol power project, is making a foray into wind power in India.

Petrobras the Brazilian state-controlled oil company, struggled to fend off pressure to clarify the cause of the sinking of a $450m offshore oil platform, which killed 11 people.

In a bid to stop the large scale theft and loss of power, the Union Ministry for Power has initiated a Programme which will create 50 Centre of excellence in different districts for efficient

Pakistan's Chief Executive General Pervez Musharraf will inaugurate on Thursday the Chashma Nuclear Power Plant (Chasnupp), the second N-plant of the country for the generation of electricity.

California's power regulators approved the largest utility rate increases in state history today in an effort to avert more rolling blackouts and keep the state's principal electricity producers from
