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Wind power installations will more than triple worldwide over the next five years as the result of greater interest by utilities and consumers in green energy projects and government subsidies aimed

The soaring price of natural gas has infuriated U.S. consumers. It has also sparked an energetic fight in one of North America's most remote and undeveloped region of Yukon or the Northwest

California's energy crisis is straining the limits of the region's gasoline and jet fuel distribution system, and industry officials warn of fuel shortages if major pipelines and terminals continue

British renewable power company Ecotricity said it had signed a deal to supply electricity to 10 local authorities in the London

Prem Kumar doesn't consider himself a thief, but he steals electricity every day-as do each of his 3,500 neighbors in a south Delhi shantytown. Pilfering electricity from the state power company is

Hundreds of workers are struggling in two 10-hour-a-day shifts to build a huge power-generating plant in the nation's largest state, which has not built a major energy plant in more than a decade.

If U.S. President George Bush wants to open acaribou-rich Alaska wilderness to energy drilling, he'll have to fight Norma Kassi first.Kassi is a member of the Vuntut Gwich'in, a Yukon aboriginal

PetroChina Co. said it has discovered a massive natural gas field that could soon prove to be the largest in the

President-elect George W. Bush's choice for interior secretary defended the incoming administration's plan to open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and natural gas drilling, saying it

The cost of the comprehensive Energy Sector Restructuring Programme (ESRP) in Pakistan has broadly been estimated at $ 1.705 billion by the Asian Development
