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New York City officials are considering a temporary cut in the 4 percent local sales tax on heating oil to ease the pain on homeowners and businesses who have been hit by the continuing surge in fuel

Russia has finally agreed to give all possible help to Nuclear Power Corporation (NCP) for its 2000 MW power station. Estimated to cost Rs 12,000 crore, it is to be put up at Kudankulan in Tamil

The three-day international workshop on "Bangladesh Power Sector Reform" concluded by endorsing the government plan for ending state monopoly in the country's power sectorby the year

Parvathapur village, 126 kms from Hyderabad, today achieved the distinction of becoming the first "solar-powered digital culture and electronic commerce centre" in the country to be linked to the

The 71-megawatt diesel-fired power plant at Baghabari has been converted to use gas, drastically cutting down fuel costs. It was possible with the supply of gas to Bangladesh's northern part through

The southeastern region of Brazil felt a surge of nuclear power a few weeks ago. This was notable because the surge had been awaited for more than 20 years. After what seemed like interminable

The Centre has to formulate a national policy on non-conventional and renewable energy sources in harmony with State-level programmes to attract private investment in the sector, according to Mr.

Wind power industry in the country, which is the fifth largest in the world, is the latest mantra in Maharashtra's endeavour to improve the power generation

A two-day International Conference on Gas and Development ended recently in Dhaka with the same exhortation : export gas. This pressure is being brought to bear on Bangladesh is not really very

Sensing the need to have a re-look at alternative sources of fuel and also to give a renewed thrust to the use of non-conventional energy, the Delhi Government has decided to revive the defunct Delhi
