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The International Energy Agency (IEA) warned Switzerland that its commitment to cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 8 per cent over the next decade would be in "very dire trouble" if it phased out

The UK government's planned levy on energy use will have a damaging impact on a much wider range of businesses than thought, including pubs and small manufacturers. Research being carried out by the

The first-ever high voltage direct current (HVDC) back-to-back interconnection between the eastern region and the southern region at Gajuaka in Andhra Pradesh is on the verge of being commissioned,

Cambodia hopes to look for oil and gas near its Tonle Sap great lake, but the head of the petroleum authority said yesterday he was confident exploration and exploitation would not damage the lake's

A Meridian Resource Corp. Gas well that began leaking last Thursday night and caught fire Friday after it was struck by lighting continued burning Sunday, U.S. Coast Guard officials said. No injuries

The Union Cabinet will meet on Tuesday to clear a Power Ministry proposal to redefine mega power projects at 1,000 mw and above. The proposal, seeking amendment to an earlier notification of the

The Haldia refinery of Indian Oil Corporation has received the British Safety Council Award for 1998 for achieving minimum accident incident rate. This is the second time the refinery has been

The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry(Assocham) on Sunday advocated a Rs 500-crore allocation by the Government for a national mission project to set up fuel

TheAssocham today advocated a Rs 500 crore allocation by the government for a national mission project to set up fuel cells. "A national mission project on development of fuel cells needs to be

The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation finds itself in a piquant situation with some State Electricity Boards(SEBs) lifting gas well below the committed levels. Against the potential to supply more than
