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The country's first Wind Energy Estate near Dewas in Madhya Pradesh has attracted 12 private entrepreneurs to invest in setting up wind turbines in the joint sector. A total of 14 MW of wind energy

The World Bank has cleared the second tranche of its assistance to a solar power project in West Bengal. The Bank has decided to adopt the Bengal scheme to reach power to remote areas through solar

Already struggling to compete in an oversupplied Asian gas market, two new Australian liquefied natural gas projects are now scrambling to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in order to comply with

The government will soon launch a special drive to check mal-practices, like adulteration, in the marketing of petroleum products, petroleum minister V K Ramamurthy said at Delhi on Tuesday. He also

Minister for Water Resources Govind Raj Joshi said the government aims to provide electricity to atleast 51 percent of the population by the end of the Ninth Plan.At present only about 15 per cent of

Despite the East Timor crisis and political uncertainty in Indonesia, Singapore is expected to sign a new long-term cotnract Wednesday for a supply of Indonesian natural gas estimated to be worth $7

The Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) AOC, Digboi, in the name of modernization has taken up one mega project-Hydertreated Unit around Digboi oil township, by endangering environment and completely

Two British-flagged plutonium ships - the Pacific Pintail and Pacific Teal - carrying nearly 500kg of weapons-usable plutonium are stranded off the coast of Japan today, said Greenpeace Japan, as the

A safety inspection scandal in the British manufacture of potentially hazardous uranium- and plutonium-mixed oxide (MOX) fuel rods for use in Japanese reactors has created a new nightmare for the

Ancient Indian beliefs and multinational business were on a collision course as Colombia's U'wa tribe threatened to commit mass suicide after a U.S. oil firm won drilling rights to disputed ancestral
