Enable Block: 

A proposal to set up a plastics recycling institute is being considered by the Union Government, according to Mr.S.K.Sood, Joint Secretary, Department of Chemicals and Fertilisers. He added that the

Experts have called for more stringent penalties against indiscriminate dumping of wastes to tackle the country's growing solid waste menace. To curb the dumping of plastics, a primary component of

The India-canada Environment facility (ICEF), joint initiative of the Canadian Government and the Government of India, has approved grants of Rs. 17.58 crores for two projects on environmental

The Global environment Facility (GEF) will more than double its funding to India and will hold its first ministerial-level meeting in New Delhi in April. Disclosing this, GEF's visiting

Twelve nations meeting in La Jolla, California, concluded negotiations on February 7, 1998, on a legally binding tuna-dolphin fisheries conservation agreement. Unlike most international agreements,

The sugar industry im Uttar Pradesh poses a serious threat to the aquatic life in the Ganga and its tributaries. One-hundred and two sugarmills in the area released about 50 tonnes of organic

The Delhi Lt. Governor, Mr. Tejendra Khanna, has said that a strategy for the decentralised disposal of garbage can be a significant and useful method of bringing about better sanitation and

The government will consider providing 50 per cent capital subsidy to states for existing as well as new sewage treatment plants. States have been asked to incorporate energy recovery component for

The India-Canada Environment Facility has approved Rs 17.58 crore for two environment projects. Rs 14.38 crore has been sanctioned to Manipur's Loktak Development Authority and Wetlands

The Union Agriculture Minister, Mr. Chaturanan Mishra, has said that land and water conservation should become a people's movement so that the Government's effort in this sphere boils down to more of
