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US researchers are tackling chronic pain with a novel form of gene therapy. The pain-relieving gene is introduced, via a virus, into the sheath of tissue that surronds a spinal cord. The gene pumps

A total of 1,372 blood samples out of 85,024 samples collected during the period from January 1 to April 30 tested positive for malarial while 22 malarial deaths had been so far reported in the

The Capital saw a substantial rise in the number of gastroenteritis cases with 524 cases being reported in the past twenty-four hours, even as the municipal commissioner described the situation as

Beckton Dickinson(BD), the US healthcare products major, is planning to introduce tuberculosis diagnostic kits that can idetify the TB bacterium in two weeks against three weeks at present.The

Diarrrhoea broke out in an epidemic form in Noakhali and Laxmipur districts of Bangladesh claiming 62 lives and affecting 5,000 people in last one month till April

Rich governments must provide the financial incentive for drug companies to develop an effective malaria vaccine. The cost would be a fraction of their total aid budget. Nobody knows the exaxt extent

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered that a perennial herb used by the Chinese for hundreds of years to relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms has much more

It is disclosed by the Department of Logistics, Chinese Navy Forces that 12 advanced cancer patients have shown remarkable cancer suppression effects after taking a kind of medical oral liquid at a

More than a year after the Calcutta Municipal Corporation implemented its scheme for scientific disposal of hospital waste in the city, at least 78 health care units have not joined the programme.

Admonishing the UP government for not taking the menace of synthetic milk seriously enough, the Allahabad High Court on Monday ordered the setting up of sufficient number of milk testing units within
