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As the United States continues its debate over late-term abortions, four states moved last week toward banning the procedure. In Florida, the Senate, following similar House action the week before,

Report : The Technical Department of Bhilai Steel Plant officers recently visited the jaundice affected area and after collecting water samples from there tested it and found that there was no fault

President Jiang Zemin pledged China would intensify its campaign to curb population growth with strict family planning policies and continue efforts to protect the environment. "Family planning and

WHO has called for a firm commitment by the developed countries in order to achieve the ambitious goal of universal access to quality and affordable reproductive health services, set at the World

Whan a pair of 11-year old twins were diagnosed with diabetes, the doctor treating them prescribed daily insulin injections. The parents were shattered. Their's was not a lone case. Increasingly,

Haryana has decided to bid farewell to prohibition in the state. A formal seal will be put on this decision when the legislators of the Haryana Vikas Party and the BJP meet in Chandigarh to discuss

Jessa Ram hospital in New Delhi is going to promote the practice of invasive surgery in all disciplines of surgery by training doctors practising in the vicinity of the hospital. The hospital has

European Union farm ministers voted Monday to ease the worldwide ban on British beef exports, imposed two years ago over "mad cow" disease, a British government official

Contrary to the common belief that eating too much salt can lead to heart attacks and strokes,lowering sodium intake might actually be harmful,say doctors at the Albert Einstein college of medicine

The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), a division of the National Institute of Health (NIG|H), U.S., is keen to promote research in the area of drug abuse and HIV with Indian
