The Ministry of Mines unveiled a web portal for the easy access to information regarding the mining sector in India, including a framework for rating mines.

The proposal would pave way for export of surplus high-grade iron ore (with over 58% iron content) in Odisha and Jharkhand

I have given states an offer they can't refuse: Piyush Goyal

The government expects to bid out at least 70 mineral blocks by March next year, including 21mines that did not get the required response from bidders.

The Union government has asked Karnataka to put the process of auctioning 14 iron ore mines on a fast track.

Raipur: Ministry of mines is organizing a two-day national conclave on mines and minerals jointly with Chhattisgarh government in state capital from Monday.

Bhubaneswar: The Centre on Thursday announced to set up an Aluminium Development Council along the lines of Steel Development Council to address various issues of the aluminium industry such as eff

Rs 2,116 crore would be required over five years to implement the policy

All minerals in offshore areas, including atomic minerals, but crude oil and other hydrocarbons, are governed by the Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 2002.

UNION Minister for Tribal Affairs and Sundargarh Lok Sabha member Jual Oram on Wednesday said decks have been cleared for reopening of the defunct dolomite and limestone mines of SAIL at Purunapani

Goa govt welcomes move, says it will help promote mining in sustainable manner
