Enable Block: 

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mahesh Chandra Saxena Vs The Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi & Others dated 28/06/2021.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Vinod Kumar Jain Vs NCT of Delhi & Others dated 11/09/2019 regarding all the schools and colleges in Delhi to install RWH systems within two months from the date of the order (November 16, 2017) failing which compensation of Rs. 5 lakhs will be required to be paid.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of News Item Published in “Hindustan Times” dated 19.06.2015 Titled “Dirty flows your drinking water” authored by Ritam Haldar” with Vinod Kumar Jain Versus NCT of Delhi & Others.