THE government has decided to set up district committees with local representation to monitor the progress of the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY), a flagship programme to electrify villages, a senior power ministry official said.

Thirty-one MoUs for power plants have been inked between the state and investors in the past six years, but not a single megawatt (MW) of electricity could be added to this power-crunch state.

NEW DELHI: Acknowledging that the 78,000 MW capacity addition target for the XI Plan was a difficult task, Union Power Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde on Tuesday said the Government had decided to give a major thrust to this sector and had targeted addition of 5,653 MW of power generation in its 100-days.

JAIPUR: Rajasthan Energy Minister Jitendra Singh on Tuesday sought Central allocation of Rs.514 crore for facilitating power supply to 10,294 hamlets across the State by 2012 under the Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Scheme. The scheme

New Delhi, June 23 The Centre is targeting the commissioning of a power capacity addition of over 5,500 MW in its 100-day plan.

NEW DELHI: Apart from giving a major thrust to power reforms and attracting large private investment, the new Government in office will give a big push to the rural electrification programme, curbing aggregate and technical losses (A&T) and working a roadmap for achieving the open access goal propagated by the Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, in his last tenure.

Dalhousie: The Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojna (RGGVY) launched in Chamba district is a major contribution of the Congress-led UPA government at the Centre. MP Chander Kumar claimed this while addressing a series of election rallies in the Dalhousie and Bhattiyat assembly constituencies.

Guidelines for Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana in the XI Plan, for attaining the goal of providing access to electricity to all households and electrification of about 1.15 lakh un-electrified villages by 2009.

ANGUL: The much-hyped Rajiv Gandhi Vidyut Karan Yojana (RGGVY) in Angul district has made little progress so far even as the deadline for completion of the project is nearing end. The Central programme was started in the distict in March 2007 and at present, only 80 of the targeted 1,625 villages have been electrified.
