Counter affidavit filed by the District Collector, YSR Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh regarding setting up of a cement plant near a water body, 24/12/2021
Counter affidavit filed by the District Collector, YSR Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh regarding setting up of a cement plant near a water body, 24/12/2021
Counter affidavit filed by the District Collector, YSR Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh. M/ s Teja Cement Limited had applied for alienation of land of an extent of acres 92.88 cents for setting up of cement plant with a capacity of 2.50 million tons per annum, Niduzuvvi village, Yerraguntla mandal, YSR Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh.
The Joint Collector inspected the land, March 30, 2016 and observed that the Kummarakunta is a delicate water body and the proper preservation of the same is essential for maintaining ecological balance. During the inspection it was observed that the local birds depend for water on the Kummarakunta. There is also some vegetation around it. In this drought prone region, the presence of such a water body is critical. The existing water body and its catchment area and surrounding buffer zone has to be protected and delinked with alienation of land or preserved by the alienee as the case may be.
The cement plant (M/s Teja Cement Ltd) may pollute the water body, the Kummarakunta and its catchment area, the report said.