CPCB report on hazardous waste management, India, 25/01/2021
CPCB report on hazardous waste management, India, 25/01/2021
Action taken report in compliance of the National Green Tribunal order of July 1, 2020 in the Original Application No. 804/2017 in the matter of Rajiv Narayan & Others Vs Union of India & Others. The matter related to hazardous waste management in India.
As per compliance reports submitted by SPCBs/PCC with supporting documents, such as details of site visits, sampling activity carried out, the list of contaminated sites has been revised as below:
a) Total number of sites identified - 280
b) Confirmed contaminated sites - 112
c) Sites which are probable or not investigated yet - 168
The CPCB/MoEF&CC have carried out a project for detailed site assessment and preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for 20 contaminated sites with funding under NCEF/CBIPM Projects. The initiative was to carry out pilot studies to guide future assessment and preparation of DPRs for remediation works.
In remaining identified contaminated sites, the SPCBs/PCC are required to direct the responsible party to carry out detailed investigation and remediate the sites scientifically as per the guidance document provided by CPCB/MoEF&CC. Funds for remediation must be borne by the responsible party.