Judgement of the High Court of Jharkhand regarding the demand of royalty raised by the State of Jharkhand on the “processed coal”, 12/03/2014
Judgement of the High Court of Jharkhand regarding the demand of royalty raised by the State of Jharkhand on the “processed coal”, 12/03/2014
Judgement of the High Court of Jharkhand in the matter of Tata Steel Limited Vs Union of India & Ors. dated 12/03/2014 regarding the validity of Rules 64B and 64C of the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 inserted by the Central Government, Ministry of Mines and the petitioner also challenges the demand of royalty raised by the State of Jharkhand on the “processed coal”(washed coal).
Original Source: http://jhr.nic.in/hcjudge/data/50-2995-2008-12032014.pdf
Judgement Date:
Wednesday, March 12, 2014