Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding environmental and CRZ clearance for development of Vizhinjam International Deepwater Multipurpose Seaport, Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala, 02/09/2016

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Wilfred J. & Others Vs Ministry of Environment and Forests & Others dated 02/09/2016 regarding environmental and CRZ clearance for development of Vizhinjam International Deepwater Multipurpose Seaport, at Vizhinjam in Thiruvananthapuram District of State of Kerala.

National Green Tribunal gives conditional approval for Vizhinjam International Deepwater Multipurpose Seaport. Expert Committee will be constituted which "shall monitor each and every condition stipulated in the EC and CRZ clearance granted by the MoEF and the directions contained herein. The Member Secretary of the Committee shall file a report, in every six months, to the Tribunal".
