Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding M/s. Adani Power Maharashtra Ltd. power generation plant in district Gondia, Maharashtra, 13/01/2014

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shobha Phadanvis Vs State of Maharashtra Ors. dated 13/01/2014. M/s. Adani Power Maharashtra Ltd. intends to establish its power generation plant 3 x 660 MW capacity at Tiroda, Tq. Tiroda, District : Gondia. For the purpose of evacuation of Power generated at the Power Station at Tiroda, the Applicant Company also applied for transmission licence in accordance with Section 14 of the Electricity Act 2003 which has been granted by the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission on 6-7-2009. The said Transmission Line was passing the various areas. It is submitted that the said Transmission Line was passing through village Morpar, Tq. Tiroda, District Gondia which is by the side of the Forest, popularly known as “Nagzira” .

Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/judgment/30_2013(Mapp)(WZ)_13Jan2014_final_order.pdf
