Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding pollution caused by Dharangadhara Chemical Works Limited, Thoothukudi District, Tamil Nadu, 15/02/2016
Judgement of the National Green Tribunal regarding pollution caused by Dharangadhara Chemical Works Limited, Thoothukudi District, Tamil Nadu, 15/02/2016
Judgement of the National Green Tribunal (Souuthern Zone, Chennai) in the matter of Kayalpatnam Environmental Protection Association (KEPA) Vs Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change & Others dated 15/02/2016 regarding pollution caused by Dharangadhara Chemical Works Limited (DCW Ltd.) and the the grant of Environmental Clearance (EC) dated 24.02.2014 by the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) for the construction of a new plant and expansion of the production capacity of existing units.
Appeal stands dismissed. NGT in its Judgement said that "considering the fact that the industrial unit of the Dharangadhara Chemical Works Limited (DCW Ltd.) was established almost 6 decades ago in an era when virtually no environmental / pollution laws and regulations were under existence in this country, and bringing in new enactments and enforcement of Environmental / Pollution laws only in the past 4 decades beginning with Water Act,1974 and also considering the nature of the industry, that the Mercury cell technology was the only choice left which subsequently became obsolete because of the advancement in technology, the whole issue requires a holistic approach and to be looked in abroader prospective. Further, after an elaborate exercise undertaken by the Project Proponent and after a thorough scrutiny and site inspections, the proposal was recommended by the EAC for granting the EC."