Judgement of the Supreme Court of India regarding mining lessees to to pay 10% of the sale proceeds to the Special Purpose Vehicle, 21/03/2017
Judgement of the Supreme Court of India regarding mining lessees to to pay 10% of the sale proceeds to the Special Purpose Vehicle, 21/03/2017
Judgement of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Samaj Parivartana Samudaya & Others Vs State of Karnataka & Others dated 21/03/2017 regarding mining lessees to pay 10% of the sale proceeds of mining to the Monitoring Committee for eventual transfer to the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that has been constituted to implement the Comprehensive Environment Plan for the Mining Impact Zone (CEPMIZ) in the Districts of Bellary, Chitradurga and Tumkur of the State of Karnataka.
The Apex Court declined to modify its order for deposit of ore sale proceeds for SPV and further calls upon the State of Karnataka and the CEC to submit a detailed proposal with regard to implementation of the Scheme of construction of conveyor belt system in respect of existing leases and the details of the project relating to the construction of railway sidings and railway sub-lines which according to the Court constitutes the most significant steps towards controlling the environmental pollution that persists on account of open movement of iron ore by road.