Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding arsenic in the ground water of Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, 17/05/2016

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sunita Pandey & Others. Vs. Union of India & Others dated 17/05/2016 regarding arsenic in the ground water of Ballia area, Uttar Pradesh. Tribunal directs a a team of Scientists from Central Pollution Control Board, Ministry of Environment & Forest, & CC, Uttar Pardesh Pollution Control Board and Central Ground Water Authority to conduct a Joint Inspection on the number of handpumps where arsenic removal plants have been installed and whether such plants are actually working satisfactorily or not.

Previous Orders

  1. Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding arsenic in the ground water of District Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, 26/08/2015
  2. Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding arsenic in the ground water of District Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, 23/07/2015
  3. Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding arsenic in the ground water of District Ballia and Lakhimpur, Uttar Pradesh, 13/07/2015