Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding the business of dealing with old and unusable vehicles, railway materials and other such machinery and its dismantling, 18/12/2013
Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding the business of dealing with old and unusable vehicles, railway materials and other such machinery and its dismantling, 18/12/2013
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sh. Nagender Deswal Vs. Chief Secretary & Ors. dated 18/12/2013 regarding the business of dealing with old and unusable vehicles, railway materials and other such
machinery and its dismantling and whether people dealing with it have any permission/consent under the relevant laws or authorization for carrying on such activities.
Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/orderinpdf/51-2013(THC)(OA)_18Dec2013.pdf
Previous Orders: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/e-orders.php?eid=5005