Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding cleaning and maintenance of rivulet starting from the joining point of Pampa and Manimala rivers, Kerala, 07/04/2016

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Southern Zone, Chennai) in the matter of K.K.Somasekharan Pillai & Others Vs State of Kerala & Others dated 07/04/2016 regarding cleaning and maintenance of rivulet starting from the joining point of Pampa and Manimala rivers leading to Panamkuzhi Reach- II, Thiruvalla.

The maintenance of the rivulet is within the jurisdiction of the Department of Irrigation. During the year 2010-11, from the starting point of the rivulet, for a distance of one kilometre from Pallipalam, cleaning efforts were made by the Department of Irrigation by spending Rs.10 lakhs and again in the year 2011-12, cleaning was effected in the rivulet called Chanthathodu (Market Canal) for a length of 1.5 km at the cost of Rs.15 lakhs. For cleaning the remaining portion of the rivulet by removal of aquatic weeds etc., the expenditure is estimated at Rs.1 Crore and the same is expected to be sanctioned in the financial year 2016-17.

Tribunal Southern Bench directs the Department of Irrigation to complete the process of removal of weeds and water plants in the rivulet within the period of 2016-17.
