Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding contamination of water which is used for Hirapur and Jejuri, Pune District, Maharashtra, 04/02/2014

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Dr.Udaykumar Vasantrao Jagtap Vs Saswad Mun. Council & Ors dated 04/02/2014 regarding contamination of water which is used for Hirapur and Jejuri and is drawn from the dam called “Jejuri Dam”. NGT has said that it appears prima facie that the contamination is caused due to discharge of domestic sewage discharge in the river by Saswad Municipal Council. It prima facie appears that there is a STP at Saswad but the same is not in use.

Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/orderinpdf/46-2013(WZ)(OA)_4Feb2014.pdf
